Archive for the 'coding' Category

Sep 29 2014

Pasting Windows Paths in Vivado

Published by under coding

If you’re using Xilinx Vivado or another tool with a Tcl interpreter in Windows, sometimes you want to paste a path from the file system, for instance to cd into a directory. Tcl treats backslashes as escape characters so just doing cd c:\some\dir Isn’t going to work. The easiest fix is to enclose your path with […]

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Apr 30 2014

Emacs Org-mode copy visible text

Published by under coding

Emacs Org-mode is a great note taking tool, that stores everything in text, a format you’ll never lose access to. If you use Emacs Org-mode to organize notes, you often end up with a tree of partially collapsed nodes. For instance, you might want to chart out a meeting agenda, with notes under each item. […]

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Feb 19 2009

Flickr automatic astrometry

Published by under coding,science,space

A project has been set up which monitors the astrometry tag on flickr and hashes photos to determine what in the sky is being looked at. Not only does it add annotations for notable objects to the photo, it will allow compilation of a growing set of located images. Apparently a rotation invariant hashing algorithm […]

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Feb 13 2009


Published by under coding,technology

From Wired: “… at precisely 3:31:30 p.m. Pacific time on February 13, 2009, the 10-digit “epoch time” clock used by most Unix computers will display all ten decimal digits in sequence.” 1234567890 seconds since the epoch start. If you have python installed you can see this by opening the idle shell (in start menu) and […]

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Sep 04 2008


Published by under coding

It seems we’re always on the lookout for a workable inline code documentation system.  The pros and cons of doing this are always fighting it out, with a significant con being that this tends towards overdocumentation. At any rate, I just read that the Python documentation switched over from LaTeX to reStructuredText.   One of […]

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