Archive for June, 2009

Jun 26 2009

Atlantis may be totalled.

Published by under space

This is crazy. On the last shuttle mission, a work light knob was loose and floating between the instruments and a window. On landing the shuttle contracts and it’s wedged in there now damaging the window. They can’t get it out, and they think it will take 6 months to dissassemble that section of the […]

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Jun 23 2009

Ignite one week away

Published by under AnnArbor,ignite

I’ve been pretty busy organizing Ignite Ann Arbor 1, which is shaping up to be a fantastic event. Ignite talks are 5 minutes long, with 20 slides advancing automatically every 15 seconds. We’ve got a dozen speakers on a wide range of topics, and looking to have a great evening. Go ahead and RSVP if […]

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